THE FIRST ANNUAL 5K RESCUE RUN THE LANTERN RESCUE PRESENTS THE FIRST ANNUAL RESCUE RUN 5K AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING AWARENESS EVENT Join us on August 19th in Asheboro, NC for our first annual 5k Rescue Run and community outcry designed to shed light on the truths of Human-trafficking, one of the fastest growing criminal industries in the world. This day promises to encourage and inform you. Let us gather to become a voice for those who are voiceless! Join in by registering to run or partake in the community day in the park as local leaders and organizations share to shed light on human trafficking at a local level.
Saturday Aug 19, 2023
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM EDT
August 19, 2023 The run starts at 9 am Food, Music, and Guest speakers to begin at 10 am
Bicentennial Park, Asheboro
Register to run $35 All other activities FREE to the community.
Whitney Miller
Lantern Rescue
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